fall in line


fall in line 的定义

  1. Also, fall into line. Adhere to established rules or predetermined courses of action. For example, This idea falls in line with the entire agenda, or It wasn't easy to get all the tenants to fall into line concerning the rent hike. A related term is bring into line, meaning “to make someone fit established rules,” as in It was her job to bring her class into line with the others. These terms employ line in the sense of “alignment,” a usage dating from about 1500.

fall in line 近义词

fall in line

等同于 toe the line

更多fall in line例句

  1. Domestically, the prime minister maintains the dubious line that he is the only man who can keep the still-fragile peace.
  2. Cassandra, whose hair has already begun to fall out from her court-mandated chemotherapy, could face a similar outcome.
  3. According to the USDA, student participation began to fall, with 1.4 million students opting out of the lunch program entirely.
  4. Last week I turned 40, a bittersweet occasion because I crossed the line to living longer without my mother than with her.
  5. And that means they also fall under the umbrella of programs most likely to get the axe when state and federal budgets are tight.
  6. Do not the widow's tears run down the cheek, and her cry against him that causeth them to fall?
  7. In this position, the line of cavalry formed the chord of the arc described by the river, and occupied by us.
  8. Our talk ranged from the Panhandle to the Canada line, while our horses jogged steadily southward.
  9. I have drawn a Line between the figures at the extream changes, that next below the Line is the extream.
  10. The left heel followed like lightning, and the right paw also slipped, letting the bear again fall heavily on the ice below.